Sun Damage Treatments

Treatments We Offer for Sun Damage

At Springs Body Sculpting, we offer a comprehensive range of advanced treatments to address sun damage and restore your skin’s vitality. Our skilled estheticians utilize state-of-the-art technologies and medical-grade skincare products to tailor a personalized solution for your unique needs. Here’s a brief overview of our sun damage treatment options:

Check out all of our service pages for sun damage treatments.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy

Chemical Peels

Medical Grade Skin Care Products

Comprehensive Consultation

Post-Treatment Care

At Springs Body Sculpting, we prioritize safety, efficacy, and patient satisfaction. Whether you’re seeking to reduce sunspots, improve skin texture, or achieve an overall rejuvenated appearance, our team is dedicated to helping you achieve your skincare goals. Schedule a consultation today to embark on your journey to radiant, sun-damage-free skin.

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What is Sun Damage?


When you spend time outdoors do you notice that you are prone to developing wrinkly skin, sunburns, spotty skin, and rough skin texture? These issues are prime symptoms of experiencing sun damage. Sun Damage refers to the physical damage done to your skin from prolonged sun exposure. When unprotected skin is exposed to sunlight, it allows for Ultraviolet Light, known as UV, to hit the skin and damage the skin cells by causing DNA changes in the skin cells. This skin damage causes issues such as developing unnatural wrinkles, blotchy red skin, spots on the skin, and issues with skin texture such as leathery skin and dry skin.


Sun Damage Treatments in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Common Causes of Sun Damage

Everyone is susceptible to experiencing sun damage, this type of skin damage is incredibly common, especially in an outdoor-oriented state such as Colorado. Whether you are a hiker, trail runner, gardener, fisherman, or person who takes casual walks, as long as the sun is shining, there is always a constant threat of developing sun damage. While sunscreen can help to an extent, it is not completely effective in fighting off sun damage, this is because sunscreen can not be strong enough to protect from the Suns UV, along with not properly applying and reapplying the sunscreen. However, don’t let this threat of sun damage scare you from going outside ever again, because Springs Body Sculpting is able to assist in the reparation of sun-damaged skin and the prevention of further sun damage on your skin.

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