Dermaplane in Colorado Springs

Dermaplane is a non-invasive manual exfoliation technique that removes surface debris such as dead skin, and vellus hair also known as “peach fuzz” (which can trap dirt and oil on your skin). At Springs Body Sculpting, we combine dermaplaning with our customized corrective facials and chemical peel treatments for maximum benefits and immediate results for smoother, brighter, and more glowing skin!

Benefits of Dermaplane:

  • Immediately diminishes the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, pore size, and discoloration.
  • Primes the skin for subsequent treatments such as chemical peels, customized facials, etc.
  • Increases the absorption of topical target treatment products and flawless makeup application.
  • Brightens skin and reduces hyperpigmentation.
  • Lessens acne occurrence.
  • Improves overall skin texture and tone.
  • Promotes cellular proliferation.
  • Creates an overall glow, with a healthier and more radiant appearance of the skin.
  • Instant results with no downtime.
  • Excellent for all skin types, including those with sensitive skin and rosacea.
Schedule a Consoltation

Looking for other services at our med spa in Colorado Springs? We also offer skin rejuvenation, hair restoration, and vaginal rejuvenation treatments. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a treatment or consultation!